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Certified Professional in Python Progamming
Formats:  Asynchronous
Level: Advanced
Required Prerequisistes
Advanced Python programming knowledge
Certified Professional in Python Programming 1

Formats: We offer our training content in a flexible format to suit your needs. Contact Us if you wish to know if we can accommodate your unique requirements.

Level: We are happy to customise course content to suit your skill level and learning goals. Contact us for a customised learning path.

Certified Professional in Python Programming 2 PCPP 2

Our Certified Professional in Python Programming 2 (PCPP-2) training course builds upon the foundational and advanced skills acquired in the PCPP-1 certification. This course delves deeper into specialized areas of Python programming, including creating and distributing packages, utilizing powerful math, science, and engineering tools, applying design patterns, interprocess communication, and Python-MySQL database access. By exploring these advanced topics, the course equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle complex Python projects and challenges, preparing you for the PCPP-2 certification and beyond.

Target Audience

The PCPP-2 training course is designed for individuals who have successfully completed the PCPP-1 certification and are looking to further enhance their Python programming expertise. It is ideal for software developers, data scientists, system architects, and IT professionals seeking to expand their proficiency in advanced Python applications. This course is also perfect for those aiming to specialize in scientific computing, data analysis, and database management. If you are committed to mastering Python and applying it to solve sophisticated problems, this course is tailored to meet your needs.

Job Opportunities

Upon completing the PCPP-2 certification, a wealth of job opportunities becomes available in various sectors that require advanced Python programming skills. Graduates can pursue roles such as senior software developer, data scientist, machine learning engineer, systems architect, and database administrator. The specialized knowledge gained from this course, including expertise in package distribution, scientific computing tools, design patterns, interprocess communication, and database management, is highly valued across industries like technology, finance, healthcare, and academia. Earning the PCPP-2 certification demonstrates your ability to handle complex and large-scale Python projects, making you a sought-after professional in the tech industry.


PCPP-2: Certified Professional in Python Programming 2 Certification

  • Creating and Distributing Packages
    • Using pip
    • Basic directory structure
    • The file
    • Sharing, storing, and installing packages
    • Documentation
    • License
    • Testing principles and techniques
      • unittest – Unit testing framework
      • Pytest – framework to write tests
  • Math, Science, and Engineering Tools
    • math – a basic tool for elementary evaluations
    • NumPy – fundamental package for scientific computing
    • SciPy – an ecosystem for mathematics, science, and engineering
    • Matplotlib – 2D plotting library producing publication quality figures
    • Pandas – a library providing high-performance and data analysis tools
    • SciKit-image – a collection of algorithms for image processing
  • Design Patterns
    • Object-oriented design principles and the concept of design patterns
    • The Singleton Design Pattern
    • The Factory Pattern
    • The Façade Pattern
    • The Proxy Pattern
    • The Observer Pattern
    • The Command Pattern
    • The Template Method Pattern
    • Model-View-Controller
    • The State Design Pattern
  • Interprocess Communication
    • multiprocessing — Process-based parallelism
    • threading — Thread-based parallelism
    • subprocess — Subprocess management
    • Multiprocess synchronisation
      • queue — A synchronized queue class
      • socket — Low-level networking interface
      • mmap — Memory-mapped file support
  • Python-MySQL Database Access
    • Relational databases – fundamental principles and how to work with them
    • MySQL vs. rest of the world
    • CRUD Application
      • db connection
      • db create
      • db insert
      • db read
      • db update
      • db delete

Contact Us

Please contact us for any queries via phone or our contact form. We will be happy to answer your questions.

3 Appian Place,373 Kent Ave
2194 South Africa
Tel: +2711-781 8014 (Johannesburg)
  +2721-020-0111 (Cape Town)

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